Your gonna have to do it... Belief in yourself.

Your gonna have to do it... Belief in yourself.

Are you asking yourself if you should go into business for yourself?  Here is the easy way to define your answer.

Why do companies fail?  Why do you fail? Why does the relationship fail?

We can bring in the externals of all the normal bullshit.  Inflation, he cheated, or I was burned out.  Crock of Shit.  That is the peasant majority answer to make ourselves feel good, bc the truth is we don't measure up in one simple aspect.  Our measure of belief isn't enough to fill the cup with the reality we desire. 

The reasons all this fails is because we lose the belief in ourselves, in our products or even in our chosen other.  Simply put, if you don't believe in it, how can anyone else?  Drop the microphone. 

When we are the leaders of what ever it is, our job is to belief when no one else does.  Think about the opposite of that.  What if you were being led by a person who didn't believe in what ever it is that you're trying to do as a team.  What would you do as a follower? As a girlfriend? As an employee? 

The certain is that what ever the task is you're trying to push in the world, it is going to meet resistance.  It will be tried.  You will be tested. That is a guarantee!  So knowing this in the future gives you an upper hand advantage as to what you must hang on to when everything else is simply failing.  Your belief in what you're doing.  End of sentence.  

Companies see this all the time.  We all have experienced this in our lives, where the person who had the vision lost their faith in it and the crumbling despair that came after it.  It was certainty.  Like matches and gasoline.  You know what is coming next.  Failure of the expansion and growth of the dream ends, and the good ole days dry the fuck-up.

Two things to do courtesy of my friend Ed Mylett.  1) you revisit the belief and do what it takes to build it back again. 2) if you can't, you get the fuck out of it because in 2 to three years it will suck you under, and you will lose way more than what you will today by saying "I'm out".  

Both of these are higher level choices and take some real adulting.  They also  take belief as well. 

How do you get the belief back?  Simple, you get back in the service side of what your dream is.  If you're an owner and running a company this means making the sales calls, visiting and working with marketing, it means to return to being a servant.  The hard work and trench warfare will build back the dreams. The vital dirty hands and callouses will strengthen the heart.  The being with the soldiers will bring back the union and fire that once burned in you.  In your belief. 

The same is for relationships and the person in the mirror.   You get back into service of the other person.  You get back to the gym and service yourself.  You make sacrifice and time and put in the work, whether it's in providing care for the other person you're losing in your life or the person you're losing in the mirror.  

You bring about a time span of 30–90 days of hyper awareness, and you double and triple your efforts to see this through.  If it comes back, you are where you wanted to be and if it never shows its head, you get out.  Move along and find the new dream and with it the new belief.  If it is losing the belief in yourself, and you still haven't found it after this time, I don't think you were giving it your all.  Try 75 hard.  We often like to think our efforts are more than what they really are when working on ourselves.  Band-aids when we need superglue, stitches and physical therapy. 

Why only a month to 3 months?  Simply, you can't sustain the amount of attention any longer than that.  You will end up not seeing the reason and begin to hate it. 

Most military boot camps are 9 to 16 weeks.  That is for a reason.  You can only put a super amount of focus on something for so many days before it will actually begin to work against you.  Sometimes the answer is not what we wanted, but it still is the truth.  

You can not lead without the biggest belief in the room.  It will carry you and the team when everyone else has lost theirs.  So find it and hang on to it.  



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