Transformation Project:  "This is gonna Hurt"

Transformation Project: "This is gonna Hurt"

I am sitting outside the doors to a Infusion Center.   Big glass walls.  Modern Architecture.  A silent world inside a world.  A world where the enemy is inside you. 

Strains of Cancer! 

The solution is a poison.  What we call "Chemo".  I have never seen one person volunteer to try some Chemo but I have seen a thousand people shoot a premixed shot handed from their homie.  REaL TaLk.

If you want a chance at life, with Chemo, you must kill your cells and wager that your good ones are stronger than the disease that is eating on you.  You must give more than you want to if your going to win.  Win at life.  Win for the future.  Win against all the odds.  Never give up.

Shit is gonna hurt though.  The sickness, the fatigue, the overwhelming constant fear of throwing up.  Who will take care of my children if i should lose my life and just how long do I really have if I win.  

It is a mind and body fuck.  Nothing is easy.  Not even in death.  WE FIGHT TO THE END DESPITE THE PAIN.  Punish them with your success!

We see it every time we visit here.  Me and my super stud mom.   People that look normal but are really battle tested.  Warriors that are mercenaries, but don't wear armor or have weapons on their side.  People with supernatural strength facing unimaginable fear, pain, and a very weighted reality. BUT THEY DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE PAIN.  THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT THE RESULT.  

So yes they are totally cool with the concept of "This is gonna hurt".  They are playing the endgame.  The big league shit. Welcome to the big leagues motherfucker.  These folks are playing for keeps.  

The first step in your transformation is just to accept that change is GOING TO HURT. 

ITs going to hurt motherfucker.  If it was easy everyone would be doing it.  Transformation wouldnt be exciting or hold the greatest of values if everyone could just change.  It would be dull as fuck if everyone can just loose 100 lb's,  quit smoking or get the fuck off dope.  Could you imagine a world where every dude had a 10 inch dick!  Exactly turns out Henry ain't so special now is he.  

It's gonna hurt your little pussy when you decide to change.  Your bitch voice is gonna get a megaphone and concert stadium size speaker and hammer you with "just quit", "this is to hard",  and my personal favorite "doing the dope aint that bad".  As if running from the cops, in the woods and fucking my chick looking out the window is something that Carnival cruise lines is opting to add to their experiences.  Book now!

Change is not easy but it is the most notable thing we can do and it inspires others around us to become greater.  It is regarded with the highest of admirations in others. 

Think of who you admire and then tell me all the hardships that they overcame.  I bet it hurt them, but despite all odds they never gave up.  

Here is the mindset that is a proven method to endure the hardships of change.  You must understand delayed gratification.   You must understand that if I give this up today, tomorrow, all next week,  I get this in return.   It must be in engrained inside your soul and fucking head that the suffering is only temporary.  Its just today!  

When you compile a bunch of days you get a timeline of wins.  A timeline of wins equals fucking the Olympics of society because you have endure some shit temporary over and over again to win the big prize.   

Whatever it is your battling in your life that is a result of choice can be defeated.  That is just how it is.  We can call it addiction or Mental Health, but the reality was at its starting origin it was a choice.   

Ownership of the problem is essential because who would ever suffer anything to change something that they didn't own.  Fuck the victim mindset. 

I was drilled in my ass and mouth for a summer as a kid you don't hear me saying it affected shit in my life but when I shot up I do believe it contributed to a me becoming a world class freak, which in my sick life, was what I wanted.  Fucking Facts.. I did the dope because I LOVED IT.

When it was obvious that I had to change it was painful.  It sucked dick.  It was no fun and it was lonely.  I was isolated.  I got fat.  I couldn't see my dick.  etc etc etc etc. 

I had to stay focused on the end game.   I had to understand delayed gratification.  That the treat was coming but it was just going to be a little while longer than right now. 

What you see today and what today is still growing.   Yes, it still hurts just for different reasons.  I apply the ideal of delayed gratification to business and personal life as well.  I understand that the world doesn't want you to win and sometimes you just got to be tougher than what it is putting down.  

Sometimes you just have to endure a little time of hardship to produce a lifetime of greatness.  I pray that you find the courage right now and that do give a fuck about how much it will hurt.  All you care about is the reward of the end game.  


Fluent English mofo.... love ya Jason 

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Im addicted and i want to quit wasting my life i just cant seem to stop using the dope is shit its not any good and i just have to use more to get by please contact me facebook Thomas Stu Stowers

Thomas Stowers



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