The most important investment you can make

The most important investment you can make

Equity! Branding!  Being the bad motherfucker you are!

"Hey kid, if you're not going to save your life, then who is?" --Timothy Tague

The most important investment that you can make is in yourself. 

The dividends pay out a lifetime! Who else is going to pay the price for your dreams.  WHO ELSE RECEIVES THE BENEFITS FROM YOUR VICTORY.

The skill set of becoming more has it cost.  You're going to win some, and you're going to get your ass kicked.  The laws of the universe.  The laws of nature. 

The beating your head on the ground out of the frustrations of growing. The Good Stuff!  If it was easy, we would all be Sam Walton's and Elon Musk's.  Sorry, there is no way to become John Holmes.  That's a God thing!

Building your brand and your purpose is a task that is achievable!  It's simple, but not easy.  Bringing yourself out of the dope house is simple, but not easy.  Becoming more is simple, but it's not easy! I get it!  Most stop though after their first challenge or objection.  Their first boo, boo.  The mistakes!

Most fail not because they don't believe in themselves, they fail because they underestimate the time and effort of achieving their dreams.  They have no vision for long term will.  They are fragile when adversity comes, and they think the super successful have superpowers.  No motherfucker, the super successful have two skills, 1) they never give up, 2) they do their best not to make the same mistake twice!

So if you make a mistake, forgive yourself.  You just learned something and know more!

The mistakes are the best because these are the product of trial and error!  There is no better research or product testing than when you fail.  The shit hurts!

Mistakes build a skill set. Point-blank and period! If you're not making any, it because you're not trying to do anything.  The mistakes are a product of you pushing towards your purpose.  The skill set learned from them is not something you will learn in a college classroom or through an online fake ass coach.  They are your personal experiences that build the equity in you. 

In today's world, knowing what not to do is valuable.  The reverse engineering of problem-solving is just as important as what to do, but we often forget the value of our own problem-solving and how it impacts our world, families, and careers. 

The equity in you is the sum of all your achievements and failures.  Too often, people focus on their wins and not what was learned from their mistakes.  Why? Because you have to be vulnerable to talk about your fuck-ups.   

What, you're not perfect?  Welcome to the club! We all know those sob's who think of themselves this way.  We all think they're hypocrites, fake and stuck up son of bitches that need a pry bar up their asses to let out the air, so they can come back to reality.  The truth is you will never reach anyone of substance with that bullshit. The fact is, they never do either.  

The most important investment you can make is in you. 

Build equity in fucking trying!  Build equity in you with sweating.  Build equity in you with praying.  Build equity in you with reading. You are valuable, Motherfucker!

Your value is in your achievements and your failures.  Let others talk about all the good shit you do, and you talk about the mistakes you have made, and see how this affects your purpose. See how this improves the reception of other imperfect motherfuckers that are involved in your life. See the receptive response of others that are trying to win and making mistakes. 

Fuck Fear.  Fuck what they can say.  You are way too powerful for words or threats to hurt you.  You're way too powerful to let dope, food, people, the world to make you quit.  To make you ball up in the corner with your syringe, tie off and hit pictures.  

Because the value in you is that you are the solution, and today made your decision to invest in yourself and your purpose!

Now go out there and punish them with your success.

Love ya, 

Jason with a felony.  


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